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Why do you struggle with creating consistent content?

If you are planning to grow your personal brand or build your venture, creating content will always remain a vital part of your business.

Content creation will help you land the right client, build trust, establish credibility, and grow a lifelong relationship with your audience.

The spiciest factor that will help you stand out from the crowd, get leads like a pro, and help you build your business is “consistent” content creation.

About 96% of service-based businesses fail in the first two years! Not because people don’t have the right skills, and trust me, it’s not just marketing.

So many people online are creating their brands nowadays. But how many of them are consistently creating content? Your content creation funnel will work like a magnet to get new clients. So, why do we procrastinate or struggle to create content regularly? Let's dive in!

About 96% of service-based businesses fail in the first two years! Not because people don’t have the right skills, and trust me, it’s not just marketing.

Here are five reasons why you are struggling to create consistent content (and how to fix that).

  • You are not able to overcome the “resistance”

Stop blaming procrastination for everything, instead try to understand why you are procrastinating!

In Steven Pressfield's book 'The War of Art', he said, “All of us have two lives, ‘the life we lived in’ and ‘the unlive life within’. Between these two, is this thing called resistance!”

This one sentence blew my mind and changed my life forever!

All of us feel the resistance. It’s easy to watch Netflix for 5 hours straight, rather than getting out of bed and going to the gym. It's easy to eat unhealthy food rather than having a balanced nutritional diet. But, every time I did the hard part, I felt 10 times better. Even the strongest one feels the resistance. It never gets easier, you just became better at handling it! The more you beat the resistance, the better you get at it!

So, next time you are feeling lazy to create content, give yourself a goal to sit and write something for 10 minutes. It doesn't have to be perfect, but it has to be something.

  • You are not batching your content.

If you’re are planning to get better with content creation, you must have a system in place. That means one day in a week will be devoted to content writing and one day to design (at least that’s how I do it) without being overwhelmed about it. This process is called content batching.

Content batching will help you get organized and cohesive about your content. It will also help you deliver the right message to your prospect with some extra room for improvement before you finally post the content.

Btw, the market also has some amazing tools valuable to schedule and batch your content. Some of them are :Sprout Social, CoSchedule, Feedly, Airtable, Tweetdeck, Planable, Sked Social, Post Planner.

  • You are overwhelmed with other factors of life.

“I will create when I feel inspired” is such an amateur way to go about your business. Being a professional, you need to see content creation as a creative work that you have to do consistently, be open to feedback to improve and have a massive impact on your outcomes.

But, I understand you will not always feel creative. Or, maybe right now, you tell yourself you have A LOT going on, and now it's not the right time to create content.

Let me tell you something. It's never going to be the right time, it’s never going to be perfect. So it's important to start where you are and learn through the process.

Someone asked the best-selling author William Faulkner once, "How did he manage to write so many books?", he said, “I only write when inspiration strikes. Fortunately for me, it strikes at nine every morning.”

Consistency in creating content comes with habit.

When you feel overwhelmed with life, try to evaluate things that are bringing down your energy. Energy is everything! If that connection is not healthy for you, get rid of it. Release everything! I mean everything that is consuming your energy and stopping you from growing.

Someone asked the best-selling author William Faulkner once, "How did he manage to write so many books?", he said, “I only write when inspiration strikes. Fortunately, it strikes at nine every morning.”

  • You lack trust in your business idea.

This can be a hard pill to swallow, but the reason you might not feel inspired to create content for your business is that you don’t completely trust the idea. The first step in this scenario is to recognize that. And work on it.

The idea of any business is to explore, experiment, and reevaluate every time. So understand that it's completely normal to feel this way. Evaluate the parts of the business that are working and parts of it not working. Parts of it you still like doing and something that needs improvement. The goal is to hit the right spot between something you like doing and something you can create value for others.

Do you think growth is possible in your current business model? Great, implement that! If not, then release the pain and start writing a new chapter.

  • You are failing to delegate.

Sometimes, you are busy building your business but forget to miss out on important factors that helped you start the business in the first place. When you are too busy to create, then it’s the right time to delegate the task to the right resource, who will help you optimize the success of your business.

Building consistent content is not easy I understand. NO, I seriously understand. But like any other habit, you just become good at it one step at a time. That week when you are not feeling "it", you can take a break without feeling guilty but make sure to come back with 200% more effort!

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